So having a look at my blog and reading some of my published posts, it hit me how all over the place I am! Have I lost my way? Well no, not really, but I’m definitely still on a path of self discovery. Does anyone really have it all figured out or are we all just presenting our best “look, I’m a grown up and have it together” face to the world while silently freaking the f@&k out?! Freaking is probably the wrong word but I know I can’t be only one questioning my decisions, my purpose, my actions, my very place in the world.
Life is certainly very busy at the moment. I’ve picked up more shifts at work in a store I love which I’m super happy about, so this has meant the kids and I have been newly navigating early starts at childcare and before school care all before 7am. We’re starting to get used to the whole school routine (almost at the end of the first term so you’d have hoped so!) but getting into the homework groove was proving to be a challenge for both Master E and I. Learning new sounds and words is hard work of course and the patience to teach them isn’t exactly easy either! That being said we are getting there and are now beginning to read together using the sight words Master E has learnt so far. As a book lover, reading together and seeing Master E enjoying the story while saying the words out loud is just awesome!
Miss E has almost entered the realm of being a “Threenager” and it’s not pretty. Tantrums had really been a thing of the past for a while but they have recently returned and this time with a vengeance. Who knew so much anger and angst could reside within a little girl when she doesn’t get exactly her way? While it is exhausting and I am left questioning everything from my parenting skills to possible major behavioural issues (thanks dr google for freaking me out) I’m pretty sure this stage will pass like every other we’ve faced. Plus, she’s super cute and makes me laugh, so I think we’ll keep her 😜
I’ve been able to go out a couple of times in the last few months thanks to family helping me out with the kids, which has been great. Sometimes a night out with your girlfriends is just what you need to get back to being you, the you that doesn’t wear the “mummy hat” if that makes sense? Master E and Miss E also spent their first night in ages at their Dad’s for a sleepover last month which they both enjoyed very much. It was the first time in over a year but now they have their bedroom all set up, hopefully this is the start of them being able to stay at their dads place a little more often.
Master E turned 5 last month and had his first big birthday party with both family and friends. He had an awesome time with all his friends and proved to be very fortunate with all the great gifts he received. We got a jumping castle for the backyard which was a total hit with the kids and was completely worth the cost. I survived the party with the help of both sets of grandparents assisting me with the preparation and a glass of wine on the day. Or two. It felt really good to be able to throw a party for my son with all his friends, the first of many I’m sure.
So that’s about it. Working more, juggling our time, learning new things and experiencing big feelings is what’s going on in this household. I know the housework is being neglected, the tv is probably on a little too often and I’ve definitely used my “mean mummy” voice more often then I would have liked, but we’re doing ok.
We’re growing and learning and we’re doing it together.