So. What a time to be alive! Things are crazy aren’t they?
I just wanted to say hey. To share with you guys that I’m ok, even though I’ve had a couple of freak outs over the last couple of days.
The food situation has freaked me out. I didn’t think it was going to, but it has. I walked through a few local supermarkets feeling shocked, upset, angry, but mostly just overwhelmingly disappointed. Disappointed that we have come to being so selfish so quickly. After my supermarket visit came a social media rant or two out of sheer frustration. Then came the love and support of friends and family. So we’re ok, we have food and we’re making do like many others around the world.
A couple of things that have happened in the last few days have really really upset me. I’m not sure if you know, but I work at the Adelaide airport. Working at any airport right now, means we’re being confronted with a lot of stress. The public trying to get home, fellow retail staff worried about their jobs, airline crew breaking down, wiping away tears after being stood down from their positions- time unknown, pilots talking about taking night fill jobs at woolies to keep the money coming in. The company I work for will be temporarily closing stores. It’s stressful.
I have family away on holiday in Tassie, and Tassie have just stopped incoming flights enforcing a lockdown. So we’re hoping my grandmother and uncle can get out and get back home without drama. My sister is dealing with scared, worried and occasionally irate people as she’s in the travel industry too. Dealing with people’s fears while I’m sure she’s got her own fears whether her job is completely safe must be incredibly exhausting. To say the least.
I’ve got young kids that have heard the grown ups talking, that have heard the news on the radio. They hear things at school, both informative and otherwise and I’m trying to manage their fears while trying to manage my own. How do you tell a 4year old not to hug their friends? How do you explain that? They’re having lessons about germs and hand washing at school and kindy and childcare but how can you stop your kids from affectionately hugging their besties when you’re not there? It’s tough. It’s really hard. I mean we’ve been told this could go on for about 6 months but who really knows? Is this our new “normal”.
Talking about the kids, what the hell is going on with school? Do we keep them in, do we take them out? The government says no to a school lockdown and depending on what info you read this will have you feeling safe and secure or totally livid at the lack of action. Every country has made different decisions about this for different reasons. I for one am feeling really torn about it.
Next to this fear and uncertainty you hear about the unreal healing of the planet. Environmental miracles like the clear waters in Venice, the biggest improvement in air quality over heavily industrialised countries like China. The planet healing while the human race is being forced to take a chill pill.
There is the hoarding of course but there is also awesome generosity. Personally I’ve had many reach out and offer help when I haven’t been able to source food, leaving me felling grateful and somewhat humbled when my faith in humanity was being questioned.
So this is what I’m dealing with personally, and I’m in no way special. I have friends with newborns that are scared. Friends with parents in hospital as we speak who are now only allowed one visitor per day. Friends who are immunocompromised that are actually fearing for their lives. Friends with special needs children that are struggling to find the food that their children will eat. Friends that are only a couple of pay checks away from not being able to pay their mortgage if things go south. Friends and family who are watching their super funds drop without the ability to contribute to them due to retirement. There are so many that are struggling and are going to struggle.
So I guess this is me, checking in on whatever the hell day this is of COVID-19. I’m not great, but I’m ok. I have a great village that I’ve built around me. Take care of yourselves and each other xx