I have some thoughts. Like many in lockdown, I’ve spent time scrolling through my social feeds & the amount of fear mongering, conspiracy based crap & ableist shit I’m reading is disgusting.
We in Australia have been so lucky. I honestly feel that because we have been so lucky many are not taking covid seriously. I personally know 4 people who have lost loved ones to covid overseas. The disrespect of others saying it’s no big deal is just appalling. Just because you are “fit and healthy” & you assume you wouldn’t be too affected if you caught covid what about the others you could spread it to? Are their lives not worth as much as yours?
“High risk” is not an aesthetic. You don’t have to be old to get covid & even if that was the case does that mean the lives of our elders aren’t worth protecting? There are many different populations who are more susceptible to the virus: infants, immunocompromised people, cancer survivors, patients recovering from surgery, and so on. Do these people not matter?
As for the vaccine. I mean far out! The vaccines have had so much money thrown at them and have been prioritised by governments around the world because a sick population isn’t productive! That’s why they have been able to produce them faster. They (the government) don’t want to harm their money makers (us). A sick population costs a country money.
“Pharmaceutical companies at their core are medical professionals who I have to believe go into that field to help people. The corporates might skew that for excessive profits at times, but ultimately they’re providing the medications that many of us rely on to be healthy and well.”
Members of our communities rely on medications every day that pharmaceuticals produce. Those with asthma, diabetes, psychiatric conditions, arthritis, cancers, hypertension - the list goes on. Do you use contraceptives? Do you take aspirin? Penicillin for an infection? Without the breakthroughs and discoveries of vaccines and medications by scientists we would not be living the way we do today.
So when you’re grandstanding about what you won’t put in your body or why wearing a mask is so uncomfortable for you, check your privilege.