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Writer's pictureSarah Willott

Cut Off

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

The last few days have been hard. You see, I have been cut off from everything. Well not everything. I have my beautiful son, I’ve been to work, I’ve been grocery shopping and have been able to watch television. I’m talking about phone and internet connection.


I did have my phone. And I’ll admit right now, I am a bit of a phone addict. I have everything on my phone. It carries information in the guise of apps, emails, notes and messages that mean I rely on it quite heavily. I am a serial Facebook checker and receive a notification every time I receive an unimportant email or an extra life on Candy Crush. I think you get the picture.


A lifeless, dead phone. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What to do!!!!!!!!!

So I did what any other self respecting woman would do in this situation. Panic! Say a few choice words. And then order a new phone. I have received the new phone, a step backward as it is an older model, but still a phone. I have been able to back it up and still have all my contacts (thank God for technology) but have got myself a new number. Now the task of sharing the new number with everyone I need or want to. Another perfect opportunity to have a clean out so to speak. I have had the same phone number since I was 16 years old so I guess it was time.

Though I am relieved, ever so relieved to have my phone back, I have to admit that the break was probably a good thing. First of all I wasn’t distracted by the phone when I should have been paying attention to my son. I really hate to admit that I would ever be more focused on a piece of technology than my offspring, but there it is in all it’s refreshing, ugly honesty. I also found myself engaging in more thoughtful and focused discussions with my Partner, and even watched a movie right through for what is probably the first time in years.

So, another promise to myself is on the cards. Although I love my phone and all my “connectivity”, I need to ensure the phone isn’t taking away from my physical connection with the real people in my life. Moments are precious. We can’t get them back. And they happen all the time. The world is much bigger than a phone or computer screen.


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