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Writer's pictureSarah Willott

Fit, Fat and All That

Updated: Aug 5, 2021

So many of you may know I have been on a journey of health and happiness for a while now 😊 For the most part I’m doing pretty well, although the last couple of months threw me a bit of a curve ball.

Not working, staying home, having to physically distance etc saw many of my healthy habits fall be the wayside. The reasons? A lack of routine, boredom and probably a little bit of fear. Fear? Well the world kind of turned upside down and instead of being able to get out and socialise which makes me feel safe and happy I started eating more (food also makes me happy).

I’ve felt kind of bad about the weight I’ve put on but this morning I woke up and decided I’m not going to feel bad about it anymore. What I am going to do is focus on all the great things this body of mine can do and really enjoy that! A lower number on the scales does not always indicate better health. Health comes from making healthy choices and these are what I’m going to be working on.

There WILL NOT be punishment for the added kilos. There WILL be celebration and enjoyment of the things I love doing.

So what will this look like for me?

First and foremost I have stopped smoking. Eeek! Yes as shocking (or not) as that may be for people I have smoked cigarettes on and off for years. I am not a heavy smoker but I am giving them up because they are not good for me. I have removed so much toxicity from my life but have still been intentionally breathing in these stupid, harmful chemicals. Enough!

I am going to eat for my well-being. My goal is to be flexible, to eat based on my own individual hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, and pleasure, rather than any externally regulated eating plan focused on weight control. Food is actually a pretty big part of my life, it holds more importance to some than others and that’s ok. Food is not just fuel to me, it never will be. Food is something I enjoy whether it be with family and/or friends or by myself. I enjoy cooking and experimenting with different flavours and I’m not going to give that up to eat what I would consider bland and boring food. I am working on my negative thoughts around all foods, to stop thinking of them as “bad” or “good”. Rather I will eat and enjoy all foods while keeping in mind their nutritional value.

I will move my body because it enhances my life. There are physical activities that allow people of all sizes, abilities, and interests to engage in enjoyable movement, to the degree that they choose. We don’t all have to be experts, run marathons or lift heavy weights. For those that enjoy that, fantastic! For me, I will go to boot camp because it’s fun and I have a laugh with my friends. The muscle ache is actually something I’ve missed as I know it means I’m getting stronger. I want to be strong. I will walk because I really really love getting out in nature and I find it clears my head. Physical exercise that helps put me in a positive frame of mind is a sure fire winner so I’m going to schedule this in for me as many times a week as I can.

I will hydrate! Drinking water is a really easy way of improving my health and I’m going to drink more. Simple as that!

I’m going to try really hard to get out and just enjoy myself. Enjoy the activities I’m doing without worrying about how I look while doing them. That may sound crazy to some but these thoughts run through my mind often. It’s all mindset and that’s what I’m working on most right now.

I will move through life and face challenges from a place of love NOT fear. I seek to understand others and understand myself. I will not let negativity be a part of my life for negativities sake. If it’s not constructive to positive change I am not interested.

So if you’ve read all that, thanks! Whatever journey you’re on I hope you are in a good place xx


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