Indoor plants have become very popular over the last couple of years and I have definitely jumped on the bandwagon. While I’m in no way a plant whisperer I have managed to keep my collection of plants alive, a fact I’m very proud of ha ha! They’re all doing pretty well and for the one that isn’t (I’m looking at you calathea) I reckon it’s going to make a come back.
I’ve got so used to having my indoor plants scattered around that when I move them for a good water the house looks bare! I love the look they give my space and I know having indoor plants can have health benefits but I really wasn’t sure exactly how that worked. So I did some research and thought I’d share what I discovered.
Plants are like a sponge. They trap toxins in their tissues or break them down and release them as harmless byproducts. Consider that most people spend the majority of their time indoors breathing in stale and possibly toxic air. Houseplants remove up to 87% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) every 24 hours according to research from NASA. VOC’s are comprised of substances such as formaldehyde (found in rugs, cigarette smoke, inks, solvents, paint and man-made fibers) and benzene which is found in places where there are books and printed papers. Modern homes and buildings are made “very well” meaning that they are practically airtight – this means that they trap dangerous VOCs inside. Indoor plants pull contaminants into the soil where microorganisms convert them into food for the plant.
Plants release moisture vapor as part of the photosynthetic and respiratory process. This, in turn, adds humidity to the air. Indoor plants release 97% of the water that they take in. If you live in a dry climate this helps keep indoor air moist and healthy. The Agricultural University of Norway has done research that shows that putting plants in interior spaces reduces conditions such as dry skin, sore throats, colds and dry coughs.
When we breathe, we take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Plants absorb the carbon dioxide we release and let off oxygen which we breathe during photosynthesis. This makes plants and people great partners. When you add plants to interior spaces oxygen levels go up. During the night – the process changes and plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. A few plants do the opposite – we will get to these in a bit.
Research indicates numerous health benefits to having plants inside the home including:
• Plants help fight colds – indoor plants can reduce the incidence of colds by 30%
• Plants ease headaches – plants improve air quality that helps reduce headaches
• Plants reduce blood pressure – having plants in the home reduces stress which in turn reduces blood pressure
• Plants prevent allergies – when you expose children to allergens such as plants early in life they build up great immunity and tolerance
• Plants improve your mood – plants just make people happy
• Plants improve productivity – being productive is good for the mind and body and plants can boost mental performance, memory, and alertness
So what’s not to love?! Are you a plant nut? Thinking of buying your first bit of greenery? Please share your love of plants and any tips and tricks you have for me.