I was reflecting this morning while sitting in my lounge room, enjoying a coffee, about just how far I’ve come in the last 5 years. I love the space I’ve created for us. There’s still things to complete and the kids rooms are a constant disaster area, but for the most part, it’s all come together nicely. It really feels like home, a shelter from the craziness of the world. But it’s taken awhile.
Just over 5 years ago I found myself scrambling to find a home for myself and my two kids. I am very fortunate and have always had a loving supportive family around me and their help at this particular time was invaluable. I was leaving a very volatile situation and needed a place to stay asap. One phone call to my parents and another to my sister and it was sorted. My Dad and my Uncle had organised a trailer and would be at the house the very next day to get our belongings, taking them to my sister’s place. Clare was going to be at work and would see us when she got home. I will never forget and will be eternally grateful for my sister’s help when I was quite possibly at my lowest. I rang her and explained that the relationship was finally done but that we needed a place to stay until I could find a rental of my own. Without hesitation, my sister opened her small home up to us for however long we needed.
We took over her two spare bedrooms; all three of us sleeping in one and storage in the other. I was really sad, but everyday got a little better. Sharing that spare room with Ethan in the bed with me and Ella in the port-a-cot actually ended up being fun. It’s where the first steps of my healing began. We were loved, we were being taken care of, we had each other. The 6 weeks spent living with Clare weren’t always easy, for any of us but we also made some memories in that short time that will last forever and always bring back laughter.
I finally found a little rental that I could afford on my tiny income and we moved in, once again with the help and support of family. Hand-me-down furniture got us through until I could get enough money together to start getting the things we needed. My parents bought us a tv and I was able to find a cheap washing machine through a second hand white goods store. Slowly but surely my home has come together. Marketplace and Gumtree came through with quality second hand furniture and I’ve saved or utilised money (thank you tax time!) to buy the pieces I wanted. I have bought (and mostly kept alive) plants, knickknacks, prints, rugs, cushions and have some personal touches that were gifts made by friends or the kids. It all comes together to make our space relaxing and comfortable and very much ours.
Sometimes we forget how well we’ve done. How far we’ve come. The small achievements that actually mean more than we give ourselves credit for. So this morning I sit here feeling gratitude for the things I’ve achieved in this small rental we have made our home. My kids are growing up in a warm, safe, loving and comfortable home and that’s something I’m proud of.