For a very long time I held on to unnecessary things, hand-me-down home wares, old linen, old dress jewelery and clothes. Oh the clothes! After a discussion with my mum I think we basically came to the conclusion that I was holding onto all this ‘stuff’ like a security blanket. It was mine. When you’ve been through the break ups of relationships, both friends and partners, I think some of us hold on to these material possessions for comfort. If I had all these things, no matter how useful or not, I still had something.
As I’ve got older and now crave the stability and organisation of a ‘grown up’ home, all this stuff is no longer a comfort. All this ‘stuff’ makes things cluttered, makes cleaning that much harder and is generally a pain in the arse! What once was a comfort is now actually driving me insane.
So, I have 4 days until we make our next move. I have found a lovely, family friendly, modern home which I pick the keys up for this Friday. To say I’m excited is an understatement! This new place is a little smaller than our current home, one less bathroom, less hallway and it has a courtyard for a backyard (the biggest draw card for me as garden pots are about as far as my gardening repertoire goes). As it’s a smaller space this has been the best incentive for getting rid of all the unnecessary ‘stuff’, and getting the things we want to keep into a sensible organised state. Cue the under bed storage boxes, the vacuum sealed space saving bags and the hanging shelf wardrobe organisers.
I really want to start out in this new place as we plan to go on. Clutter free and organised. Looking for inspiration and ideas I have come across some great blogs such as Becoming Minimalist and Organized Home. There are so many great sites with practical ideas and clutter solutions, I’ve just got to now put them into practice. Doing some research online as to products available has also helped. Ikea, Bunnings, Howard’s Storage World etc all have great storage solutions which vary in price. I got my under bed storage boxes and the space saver bags from my local cheap shop, so you don’t have to spend a fortune to be organised.
I’m not completely there yet, there’s still so much to get through before I can say I’m truly organised but at least I’ve made a start. I’m thinking we’ll need a skip to help with the culling of all the old unnecessary crap we’ve got lying around! Once we’re moved in I’ll give you an update on how the move went and if my journey to an uncluttered home is still on tack. Feel free to leave any of your own ideas on de-cluttering and organising or stories about moving house.